Georgia Caine credited as playing...
Mrs. Truesmith
- Mrs. Truesmith: [showing the Marines the shrine to Woodrow's father] Now I have two heroes.
- [looks at the six Marines]
- Mrs. Truesmith: I have eight heroes.
- Bugsy: You can sure put me on your flag. I sure ain't got anybody else.
- Mrs. Truesmith: I'd be very proud to.
- Sgt. Heppelfinger: [to Woodrow] Give me six of them tickets, will ya? We still got a little work to do in our own line. So long, kid.
- Mrs. Truesmith: [hugs Bugsy] Goodbye, dear.
- Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith: Will you come back?
- Sgt. Heppelfinger: Well, we always come back before. So long, everybody... see youse in church!
- Sgt. Heppelfinger: These flapjacks might taste better with a little butter on 'em Mrs. T.
- Mrs. Truesmith: Maybe you haven't heard Sgt. but there's a war on.
- Mrs. Truesmith: Why can't you wear your uniform for a little while?
- Libby's Aunt: You look so nice in it.
- Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith: I just got through explaining it's against regulations.
- Mrs. Truesmith: Well, I think that's perfectly ridiculous.
- Libby: So do I.
- Mrs. Truesmith: Your grandfather wore his Civil War uniform the rest of his life.
- Libby's Aunt: Kept having new ones made.
- Mrs. Truesmith: Said it helped remind people that brother fought brother.
- Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith: [looking at Sgt. Heppelfinger] Well his case was different!