Hail the Conquering Hero (1944)
Al Bridge: Political Boss
Mayor Everett D. Noble : This problem is not local, it's national. In a few years, if the war goes on - heaven forbid - you won't be able to swing a cat without knocking down a couple of heroes. Now... are we going to be governed by young men - very young men - however well-meaning or patriotic they may be - whose principal talent consists of hopping in and out of wolfholes...
Political Boss : Foxholes.
Mayor Everett D. Noble : Huh?
Political Boss : They're called foxholes.
Mayor Everett D. Noble : ...talent consists of hopping in and out of foxholes and killing hundreds of enemies with one swoop of the sword. Or... are we going to be governed by respectable civic leaders of mature age who do not seek the appointment, but accept it as a civic duty. I refer to men like... uh, well... myself.
Political Boss : [telling the mayor that Woodrow will be a write-in candidate] You can take it from me. This is a free country. They can vote for anybody they like.
Mayor Everett D. Noble : But, that's disgraceful!
Political Boss : I know it, but that's how it is - and the way it is, it don't look so good.
Mayor Everett D. Noble : You mean he actually has a chance?
Political Boss : A chance? Did you ever see a snowslide?