Henry Daniell credited as playing...
- Lerocle: Whatcha doing in South America?
- Jacqueline Fleuriot: I don't remember... What are you doing?
- Lerocle: Oh, very rich city, this. Plenty of ways to turn an honest penny.
- Jacqueline Fleuriot: I have a sneaking suspicion an honest penny wouldn't interest you at all.
- [Lerocle laughs]
- Jacqueline Fleuriot: You're not a Frenchman, are you?
- Lerocle: No. By the grace of Heaven I'm an Alsatian.
- Jacqueline Fleuriot: I was gonna say, you're an Alsatian.
- [Lerocle laughs]
- Lerocle: [after entering and observing his hotel room] What class of hotel did you say this was?
- Hotel Porter: Ohh, very excellent, señor- very high, very good!
- Lerocle: See if you can find some of your most excellent bed linen. This looks slightly infested.