Steamboat Round the Bend (1935)
John McGuire: Duke
Duke : First time I seen Fleety Belle, I - I thought she was a boy the way she was dressed. Well, I blowed my whistle - and-and she waved back. And her old man came out and gave her a whippin'. After that, I seen her pretty near everyday. Then her folks found out and her old man gave her a worse whippin'. And that's why she run away!
Sheriff Rufe Jeffers : Well, good heaven Betsy. What are you doin' down there this time of night, Doc? Can't you let a man sleep?
Doctor John Pearly : Come on down. Duke - Duke killed a man.
Sheriff Rufe Jeffers : Well, doggone me. Who was it, Duke? Somebody I knowed?
Duke : A fella named Big Steve.
Sheriff Rufe Jeffers : Never heard of him.
Duke : This is Fleety Belle, Uncle John.
Doctor John Pearly : She - she - she's a swamp gal, ain't she?
Duke : Oh, I guess that's right. But - but there's some mighty fine people in the swamps.
Duke : A fella in here used to work in a tattoo parlor in Perryville, and, well, I kind of been gettin' some tattooin' done myself.
Fleety Belle : I wished I could see it.