James Dunn credited as playing...
Eddie Collins
- Eddie Collins: I'd like to be nice to women. You know, say nice things to them, like fellas can. I can't though. I think of nice things to say, but when it comes to puttin' them into words, I only say something sarcastic and mean.
- Eddie Collins: Sure there are a lot of things in life besides money, but you gotta have money to find them.
- Eddie Collins: Listen, Dr. Burgess, I always been kinda proud, see?
- [He chokes up]
- Eddie Collins: You know, pay my own way, take nothing from nobody. But I ain't that way now, doc. I'm begging you. If she knew she was gonna help you with it, everything would be alright. But as it is, she's so sick from worry...
- [He bursts out sobbing]
- Eddie Collins: I'm afraid maybe she'll die. When'll you do it, doc?