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- Ein erfolgreiches männliches Gesang-and-Tanz-Team verbandelt sich romantisch mit einem Schwestern-Duo und die vier tun sich zusammen, um das vor dem Ruin stehende Hotel ihres ehemaligen kommandierenden Generals mit einer Revue zu retten.
- Junior Potter kehrt zurück, um das Gold seines Vaters zu holen, das nirgendwo zu finden ist. "Mike" ist der üppige Kopf einer Diebesbande, und Roy Barton ist der Bundesmarschall, der ihr auf der Spur ist.
- In 1956, 14-year-old Alan Silver's life revolves around family, the synagogue and the Dodgers. Grandparents Jules and Sophie live in the same brownstone as Alan, his brother Nate, and their parents Phyllis and George.
- Angel pursues Connor, who makes a new friend on the streets; something else comes through the portal from Quor-toth; Lilah approaches Wesley.
- As plagues of various pests descend on Los Angeles, the beast Cordelia saw in her vision returns--and the Apocalypse begins.
- 1999–200444m168,8 (2359)FernsehepisodeIn the 1950s, Angel aids a woman hiding from her past in a hotel with a long history of death and mayhem. In the present, Angel hunts a demon.
- Angel agrees to try to bring Angelus back, but after the first attempt fails, the group discovers a magic sword that might do a better job.
- A magic portal from another world brings a nasty demon--and the Host's cousin--to Los Angeles.
- Holtz insists that Connor rejoin Angel, Justine learns Holtz is back, and the Groosalugg realizes the depth of Cordelia's feelings for Angel.
- Angel's friends are affected by a man with the power to make other men brutalize women.
- Cordelia learns that her visions will kill her unless she goes back in time and chooses a different path in life--one that doesn't involve Angel.
- Wolfram and Hart are sponsoring a fund raising benefit for a local teen shelter. Angel is suspicious of their motives and starts investigating. Meanwhile, Wes, Gunn and Cordy work to establish their own detective business.
- After learning the doomsday Beast is working for something bigger and badder than itself, Angel's friends try to return his soul to Angelus's body.
- An old man uses an ancient incantation to switch bodies with Angel.
- Angel struggles with his jealousy of the Groosalugg and Cordelia's attraction to him, while Gunn and Fred get captured by a tree monster.
- Angel tries to keep his son safe from the many demons, vampires and humans who wish him harm, and Holtz joins forces with another vampire slayer.
- Lindsey finds himself drawn to Darla as her mental state deteriorates.
- Wolfram and Hart arranges for Lindsey to get a new hand, but when it turns out to be evil, Angel investigates the firm's source of body parts.
- Darla tries to drive Angel over the edge in hopes of getting him to embrace his dark side.
- As Fred and Gunn search for Angel, Wesley continues his affair with Lilah and conducts his own, more fruitful search.
- Angel and his friends fight a new vampire running a motivational pyramid scheme. And Cordelia helps her old friend Harmony, who's now a vampire.
- When a demon Gunn once sold his soul to comes to collect on the debt, Angel, Fred and Cordelia help to save him.
- Angel has an epiphany which has him questioning his actions over the past few months. Meanwhile, the three eyed demon clan is after Gunn, Wes and Cordy. It's up to Angel to save them... If they can all start trusting him again.
- Angel encounters an amorous Darla in his dreams; Cordelia vows to protect Gunn after she experiences a vision of him in mortal danger.
- As Fred and Gunn search for Wesley, Angel searches for Sahjhan and casts a spell to make him corporeal so he can be killed.