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1–50 von 72
- Ostberlin 1984: Ein Stasi-Offizier überwacht einen Schriftsteller und dessen Liebhaberin, als er feststellt, dass er immer mehr in deren Leben hineingezogen wird.
- Nach einer missglückten Geldübergabe bleiben Lola noch 20 Minuten, 100.000 D-Mark aufzutreiben.
- Eine Attentäterin arbeitet für die Monicaner, eine Gruppe von Rebellen, die versuchen, die Regierung zu stürzen. Als sie auf eine Mission geschickt wird, um den Vorsitzenden zu töten, stößt sie auf ein ganz neues Geheimnis.
- A young actor experiences the artistic euphoria.
- Ein junger Lehrer in Ostberlin kämpft damit, seine Homosexualität zu akzeptieren.
- Sunny ist eine Schlagersängerin, die mit ihre Band durch Dörfer und Kleinstädte tingelt. Sie sehnt sich nach Glück und Anerkennung als Persönlichkeit. Ein DEFA Klassiker!
- Ein Film über zwei Frauen und ihren täglichen Überlebenskampf während eines Sommers in Berlin. Katrin, eine arbeitslose alleinerziehende Mutter, und Nike, eine Krankenschwester, leben im selben Haus und sind beste Freundinnen.
- DDR film from the mid-60s: Li and Al, not long married, want to divorce. They feel trapped in their marriage and in their one-room apartment. They long for an unconventional, meaningful life, but the search for meaning confounds them.
- Little Sabine has spent her childhood in an orphanage after her parents died in a car accident. When one of the women in charge at the orphanage, Edith, leaves to have a baby, Sabine runs away, because Edith was the only adult there she could trust. She then wanders through the city to find someone to take her in. She meets a lot of people on her journey, but she seems out of place everywhere she goes until, at last, she realizes that there is a special place where she belongs.
- Berlin ist vor allem für eines bekannt: seine pulsierende Clubszene.
- Die Geschichte einer Gruppe rebellischer Teenager aus Ost-Berlin.
- A pseudo documentary study of an archetypal German who tries to model his world according to his ideas of law and (sexual) order.
- Der 14-jährige Stefan muss gegen seinen Willen mit seiner Mutter und Schwester von einem idyllischen Dorf in das neue Plattenbaugebiet Berlin-Marzahn ziehen, wo sein Vater Bauarbeiter ist. Nicht einfach für Stefan.
- Karl Erp is a fairly well-off librarian in his mid-forties with two children and a boring marriage. His love for his intern, Miss Broder, brings him out of his lethargy. He tells his wife, Elisabeth, that love never existed between them and that he only married her as a favor to her. He then moves in with Miss Broder. Harassed by her mother, he promises a divorce from his wife and later, a marriage to with her daughter. However, the spark that helped Karl in starting a new relationship doesn't show up in his day-to-day life. He can't find the willpower to start a new life, and he misses his old comforts. Thus, he returns to Elisabeth and their broken marriage.
- The neo-Nazi brothers Marco and Marcel Schönfeld from Potzlow have their sights set on the 16-year-old Marinus Schöberl, who stutters. They consider Marinus to be a so-called "subhuman".
- Aa day in the city of Berlin and is based on the 1927 black-and-white silent film Berlin - Die Sinfonie der Grosstadt shot by Walter Ruttmann, which also describes a day in the city of Berlin with musical accompaniment.
- Recorded live in Berlin in 2004, Anastacia's Live At Last features dazzling concert performances of all her biggest hits, including "Left Outside Alone," "I'm Outta Love," "Sick and Tired" and more!
- Der junge Thomas schwänzt die Schule und bemerkt bei einem Spaziergang durch die Berliner Straßen, dass ein Haus brennt und zwei kleine Kinder gerettet werden.
- Eight young people tell about their lives. It is striking that a young woman named Laura has a special part in all their stories.
- After humanity's excesses have depleted the water supply, one man journeys to the past to secure his future.
- Erika is a TV presenter, but still not happy with her life and her show "Neighborhood Heroes".
- A Story by Jean-Denis Römer ,shot and edited by Joshua Kantara. A simplistic approach to capture the pure essence of the acting without interruption. No fancy camera moves. Just simplistic lighting. Subtle music. All of these components simply help to carry the story. The movie short "ugly" gives the viewer a little insight in the head of a young man who's vocabulary doesn't entail the words guilt and remorse. Even though the character's appearance is far from ugly, his way of calmly localizing his actions without any form of guilt makes the viewer question how one can commit such evil with a clean conscience. However, the humanity in him does appear in small blinks of light even though the antagonist himself doesn't realize it. This short shows how "ugly", "pretty" can be.