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- Joe Marshall und Frank Washington sind zwei hartnäckige Polizisten, die um jeden Preis versuchen, die Katana aufzuhalten, eine abtrünnige Yakuza-Bande, die sich aus gewalttätigen und sadistischen Mördern besteht.
- Ein Filmstar hilft einer jungen Sängerin und Schauspielerin zu Ruhm, auch wenn Alter und Alkoholismus seine eigene Karriere in eine Abwärtsspirale versetzen.
- A cinematic essay in defense of remembering, The Royal Road offers up a primer on the Spanish colonization of California and the Mexican American War alongside intimate reflections on nostalgia, butch identity, the pursuit of unavailable women and Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo - all against a contemplative backdrop of 16mm urban California landscapes, and featuring a voiceover cameo by Tony Kushner. Deceptively simple California urban landscapes serve as the framework for the film's lyrically written voiceover which combines rigorous historical research with a stream-of-consciousness personal monologue and relates these seemingly disparate stories from an intimate, colloquial perspective to tell a one-of-a-kind California tale. Shot on 16mm film and contemplatively crafted of long takes, The Royal Road is a film about landscapes and desire, memory and history - and the stories we tell.
- The story takes place in the 1940's and in the beginning of the 1960's. Thomas Smith had a religious upbringing! His mother being quite abusive, forbade him from pursuing his passions. This suppression, turned Thomas into a deprived individual resulting in his growing up a tormented soul, constantly fighting his demons, striving for salvation. Its subject matter is racism, discrimination and the non-acceptance of differentiality and how, due to their upbringing, religion, family, environment, one may be transformed into a Racist. No one is born a racist. They are molded into, formed into one by the system.