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- Il prete di una piccola congregazione a nord di New York è alle prese con la crescente disperazione causata da una tragedia, da preoccupazioni materiali e da un passato tormentato.
- Un agente di una società d'intelligenza privata d'élite scopre che le sue priorità stanno cambiando dopo che le è stato assegnato il compito d'infiltrarsi in un gruppo anarchico che aveva eseguito attacchi segreti contro grandi aziende.
- Davis Guggenheim segue Al Gore nelle sue conferenze mentre l'ex candidato alla presidenza fa campagne per aumentare la consapevolezza sui pericoli del riscaldamento globale e chiede un'azione per frenarne gli effetti sull'ambiente.
- Con riprese aeree girate in cinquantaquattro paesi, "Home" spiega come i problemi della Terra siano tutti interconnessi.
- L'undicesima ora per il genere umano è adesso, l'ultimo attimo nel quale è ancora possibile cambiare e fermare la nostra corsa verso il collasso ecologico globale.
- A future archivist looks at old footage from the year 2008 to understand why humankind failed to address climate change.
- Segui la giovane attivista per il clima Greta Thunberg nella sua crociata internazionale per convincere la gente ad ascoltare gli scienziati sui problemi ambientali del mondo.
- The socialist mayor of Saint-Juire has set his heart on building a cultural and sports complex in the village meadow. He's a well liked by the local people and has managed to raise the loans needed for the complex thanks to his contacts.
- A rare behind-the-curtain look at the Earth Liberation Front, the radical environmental group that the FBI calls America's 'number one domestic terrorist threat.'
- Follows the account of Lucy, who is born into a society where people are desperate for natural resources, while the global temperature and population are highly increasing.
- An in-depth look at the animal rights movement and the FBI's recent declaration calling them the number one domestic terrorist threat to the United States.
- Melting sea ice, glacier loss and rising sea levels. Severe droughts and wildfires. Increasingly severe tornadoes, hurricanes, and flooding. Record heat waves. Climate change is no longer a prediction for the future, but a startling reality of today. Yet, as evidence of our changing climate mounts and the scientific consensus proves human causation, there continues to be little political action to thwart the warming of our planet. "Greedy Lying Bastards" investigates the reason behind stalled efforts to tackle climate change despite consensus in the scientific community that it is not only a reality but also a growing problem placing us on the brink of disaster. The film details the people and organizations casting doubt on climate science and claims that greenhouse gases are not affected by human behavior. From the Koch Brothers to ExxonMobil, to oil industry front groups, to prominent politicians and Justices, this provocative exposé unravels the layers of deceit threatening democracy and the ability for future generations to survive on planet earth.
- An exploration of the environmental movement - grassroots and global activism spanning fifty years from conservation to climate change.
- Behind the Mask: The Story Of The People Who Risk Everything To Save Animals is a 2006 documentary film about the Animal Liberation Front. It took three years of filming, interviewing, and editing to complete.
- Every year, deliberately lit fires rage across Indonesia. They destroy pristine rainforest, endanger orangutans and contribute to climate change. A young carbon trading entrepreneur goes in search of a solution.
- The story of our growing awareness and understanding of the environmental crisis and emergence, during the 1960's and '70's, of popular movement to confront it.
- Documentary about the land and people of the Columbia Basin and the Hanford Nuclear site in southeastern Washington state.
- The film delves into the theory and practice of Earth First-networks of radical environmental groups employing direct action tactics.
- Devour the Earth is a 1995 British short documentary film about the global consequences of meat consumption. The film was produced by the Vegetarian Society, written by Tony Wardle and narrated by Paul McCartney.
- Trilogy consists of one person plays about important historical figures who were trailblazers in environmental movement. The trilogy consists of segments'Friend to Beavers- Grey Owl' 1/3, 21min 20sec , 'John of the Woods - John Muir' 2/3, 17min 27 sec, and 'Citizen of Nature -Henry David Thoreau' 3/3, 15 minutes. All personages are played and developed by Howard Clifford, who performs at local schools introducing children to historical figures, environmental thinking and the importance of taking care and preserving wilderness. The video is shot in Lanark County, Ontario. In 'John of the Woods' the backdrop is a 500 year old ceder tree, in 'Friend to Beavers' filming is done on Blueberry Mountain which is classified as one of the seven wonders of Lanark county.
- A 50-minute video that discusses the tactics and philosophy of revolutionary environmentalism and animal liberation. Includes footage of ALF and ELF actions plus interviews with many direct-action environmentalists.
- British artist, academic, musician and activist Bob and Roberta Smith has been waging slightly odd political protests for years, in this documentary he investigates the age of activism and discovers what people are protesting about.
- Earth at Risk is an annual conference featuring thinkers and activists who are willing to ask the hardest questions about the seriousness of our situation. Interviews and presentations include: Derrick Jensen, Arundhati Roy, William Catton, Jr., Rikki Ott, Thomas Linzey, Gail Dines, Jane Caputi, Waziyatawin, Aric McBay, Stephanie McMillan, Lierre Keith, and Nora Barrows-Friedman.
- Lakota explain why the put their hopes and future in the hands of the Seven Generation. How they work to overcome historic trauma.