This show is a pretty formulaic sitcom. If you have ever seen a sitcom before, almost none of this will be surprising or particularly funny. But it might make good background noise while you do something that uses more of your brain, like washing the dishes or sweeping the floor.beverythong in it feels recycled from earlier better sitcoms.
That said, it's not outright bad. It just doesn't shine at all. It's very bland.
Lupe is a pretty fun character, but she gets very little screen time. The kids are too young to do much., let alone be very funny. The main actors are all pretty good actors with comedy backgrounds, but they aren't particularly funny in this.
That said, it's not outright bad. It just doesn't shine at all. It's very bland.
Lupe is a pretty fun character, but she gets very little screen time. The kids are too young to do much., let alone be very funny. The main actors are all pretty good actors with comedy backgrounds, but they aren't particularly funny in this.