Silent Night (2023)
Let's make a film without any dialogue...
24 December 2023
...or let's not and say we did. When I first noticed no dialogue, I thought maybe this is just going to be temporary. However, it soon became clear that this film was going to be completely void of any dialogue between the characters. I think one of the gangsters mumbled "f*** you" toward the end of the picture, but I wouldn't really say that that was dialogue. I was half expecting Marcel Marceau to pick up a phone at some point and utter the word "non." I started thinking that perhaps halfway during filming one of the actors lost their voice and the production company decided to just eliminate the dialogue to make it work. In other words, this dialogue-free production was such a bad idea, I believe it would have had to be a desperate one.

Based on the synopsis I read, I didn't expect much more than a shoot 'em up action movie with a lot of gritty inner-city hip-hop music and blaring gunfire. I probably would not have gone for a movie like this, but I was bored and I like Joel Kinnaman, but I usually prefer to hear him speak.

Another goof I noticed was that when Brian delivers the greeting card to the detective, the detective just picks it up and puts fingerprints all over it. Even if he already knew who it came from, this was still evidence. Even I know that you don't put your fingerprints all over evidence and I'm dumb as a box of rocks.
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