It isn't my review, it's my kid's
30 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Of course it's be silly for a grownup to write a review on this movie, so I'll write what my kid thinks of it.

But before that, I'll need to write a background.

My kid is 4.5. He's brilliant and speaks fluently 3 languages. His fun is going to the children library, and kids science shows are his favorite. He has never used a mobile or tablet till couple of months ago when homework's started to flow on the school platform. He has never gone to cinema, so this is his first experience with his favorite "super stars".

With all the hype and excitement, we booked the ticket on the first day of the movie. It's a kids cinema. He loved it while in there, and even got excited in some scenes.

After the hype is gone, on the way home, I asked him about the movie, and what was his feeling. I asked him after a day (yesterday) and this is his answer combined:

"Daddy, you know, this is not a kids movie. I got scared a little bit when the meteors hit the tower."

"You know daddy, that woman is so evil. I hate her too much. I was almost going to punch her through the screen".

"Daddy, you know for a bit I thought the meteors were going to hit us. The cinema feels like real"

"The sound was too loud. I don't like loud"

And that's the summary of his review.

My conclusion, it is fun, but it's more violent compared to the other Paw Patrol franchise. Of course with extra powers to pups, an extra powered evil character was needed, but why the extra power in the first place? They could have grown up a bit (maybe).

Anyways, we had fun evening, and I am happy that I shared my son's first movie experience.
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