Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014)
Great Television
25 August 2023
Sons of Anarchy is great television but flawed to a fault. The flaws of SoA are very minor and the greatness of this series overshadows it by a long shot. The only problems the series has in my eyes is uncalled for humor, small little plot holes in the story, and noticeable cgi in very few parts. The show excels with a stacked cast of stars, twisted dark storytelling which make for tragic elements, and tons of blood. The show doesn't hold back on violence which make it one of the goriest crime drama series to date. Jax and Gemma's characters in the show are so complex and have a very bold storyline throughout the show. Lots of good side characters lots of shocking deaths. And an overall good finale for the show that felt like it stayed true to itself by the end.
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