If you like slow movies, easy to follow, you'll like this
14 May 2023
This movie is almost like a slow burn, but the wood is wet and it doesn't light up. It's just consistently the same throughout. There is no fluctuation in mood. Everyone is very flat in it. There's an attempt at intrigue perhaps. The characters aren't very character like, they're very much the same people working along side each other. If you like slow movies where not much happens you might enjoy this film. It's easy to follow because there is only about one real act in it. Sure there is the brief setup of the main guy at the start. Then it quickly moves into what I would call the one main act. From there is just one slow stroll until you get to the very end. This ending is rushed, brief and sort of sums up events a little. It then is left open ended where you could conceivably have a sequel even.
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