Barbie: It Takes Two: Race To The Finish (2022)
Season 2, Episode 13
As Empty As The Show Itself
18 March 2023
I really wanted to like Barbie: It Takes Two. I really did. It had so many things going for it: a musical angle, a more story driven angle compared to Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures (which is better than this show), and a great attempt at diversity. However, the show falls flat because of how the girls are very flat and one dimensional who bend to the wills of the narrative. The show isn't without redeeming qualities, but it's more focused on humor over any sort of consistency. This episode, the final episode of the series, is the epitome of the show being so empty. There's no character development or any sort of character insight. The story is forced and goes through the motions and the humor tries way too hard to be funny. Literally every character that isn't Otto Phoenix or the Barbies is what saves this episode from being abysmal. Oh, and the song is good. Considering Barbie: Epic Road Trip skips what the ending of the show established, it was all for the better. Don't watch this show, and especially don't watch this episode.
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