Many reviews of this film discuss the unfulfilled potential of a good premise, the lackluster acting by some of the players, the uneven direction, etc., etc., etc. You know, I can't argue with any of that. But here's the thing: It is so hard, these days, to find a movie that leaves you with much of anything in the way of good feelings that run deeper than a shallow and momentary, fleeting high at best. Most don't even do that; it's not the intention of the filmmakers to make you happy, but rather to do something else. But here we have a film that, while rough and not up to par in some ways, accomplishes one very worthwhile thing. It shows us what it's like to struggle and fail as a parent or just as a person, and it shows us what it's like to keep trying anyway. How many modern films present examples of people who mess up in real life challenges, and yet don't make excuses or blame others, but rather take responsibility for their actions, their failings, everything, and keep giving it another try. This is what being a "good" person is about, not perfection, but someone who cares, who tries, and doesn't quit. And Bravo to the creators of Walkaway Joe for attempting to present that for people to see.