Real Steel (2011)
"People's champion? Sounds pretty good to me."
21 August 2022
It's always funny watching old movies that depict the future with all this brand new tech, like 90's sci-fi's thinking we'd have flying cars, or in this case Real Steel thinking we'd have robot boxing fights for entertainment in 2020. I remember loving this when I first watched it over a decade ago and after a recent run of disappointing movies I wanted to see something I knew or thought I'd love so I went with this.

Straight off the bat, I noticed how much more believable cgi and vfx used to look in the 2010's and you can see that with other movies like iron man or transformers, while new movies now just look like video games more often than not. I loved how even though it's set in the 'future', the surroundings felt relatable, not all super shiny, slick new tech, adds to the plausibility of it all even though it's scifi.

It's not complex plot or avant-garde script because it's made just for fun. Has everything you'd want in a feel good action flick; it has flare, blood pumping fights, great soundtrack, story, carnage, an underdog to root for and it even has heart as we get to see a father and son bond together. The movie is sweet and heartfelt at it's core behind all the metal bashing. One thing that stood apart for me about the movie is the end, it ends at the perfect moment, most movies would want a moment of reflection or something after an epic finale like that but Real Steel leaves you while your adrenaline's still pumping. If you haven't watched it, go watch it, and if you have, rewatch.
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