For a low budget movie, it looks good visually. Was fun to watch, as a supernatural horror movie. There are 4 main characters, although I only cared about 1 of them. The characters argue about their own personal issues while the main storyline is starting. This is a haunted house vibe, claustrophobic energy. The movie is only 1 hour and 11 minutes long so quite short, and the acting is quite good. There are some enjoyable plot twists, however there will be times you will feel annoyed at the way the story is going, only for it to be a hallucination to throw you off. Characters will make annoying decisions and it feels like the build up is better than the actual ending, although the very last scene before the first credits make up for it. There is also one more scene post credits that sets up for a sequel. If you are into supernatural/haunted house vibe then you may enjoy this. It was fun to watch!