The Kids in the Hall: Episode #1.1 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Cant think of anything good to say about this episode.
16 May 2022
I grew up with The Kids in The Hall. They made me laugh hysterically every episode, and almost every sketch. Part of it was they were young and had nothing to lose and werent afraid of shocking comedy. They wanted to break the cute safe comedy mold that had dominated television for much of the 70's and 80's. They wanted to be different and surprised people, maybe even offend audiences. In fact I think they debuted the same year as Married With Children.

They also helped create a culture that was slowly but surely becoming immune to shock comedy, similar to Howard Stern and his shock radio.

Unfortunately 30 years later the boys just arent special any more. Its almost impossible to shock anyone today, especially with a sketch show. The guys dont have the same daring or youthful energy they needed back in the 80's. I wouldn't say they were phoning it in, but clearly they do not have the angry 20-something enthusiasm any more. They looked like they wanted to be there but just weren't giving one hundred percent. None of the sketches made me laugh. I was a bit surprised to see two of them nude, but it wasn't funny, just weird. Death Comes to Town was pretty funny, but I saw it on Youtube in 240p and it was kinda ugly. Still had some humor though.

I love these boys, I always will. They gave me a ton of great memories. They seem to have lost their way, which is fine because they're much older. They wont be making me laugh again, but I do appreciate them trying.
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