When you're reading a manga you still get to see the action scenes happen and what goes down but it's hard to follow which is why getting the action scenes for this movie done correctly is important and they stepped up to that challenge. Jujutsu Kaisen is known for its extravagant fight scenes and this movie continues to deliver on that promise with easy-to-follow fight scenes that show off all of the character's strengths. But the animation for this movie isn't just a standout for the fight scenes but throughout the whole movie. The animation for the series as a whole is beautiful and I love how the animators used different techniques for certain elements. What I mean by this is if you look at how the human characters are animated compared to the cursed spirits or even the cursed energy the sorcerers use you'll see a difference and it's great. As someone who has read the manga for this movie, I'm proud to say that the story for this movie stays really close to what happens in it, but not all the way. The movie does add in a few things that just make it easier for people who haven't read the manga to better understand what's happening and the characters but there is one scene that I feel like did not need to be added in. But I will say that unlike some other movies based on mangas the story for this one flows really well and it doesn't feel like separate chapters just being slapped together haphazardly. In the end, Jujutsu Kaisen Volume 0 is an amazing movie and worth a watch even if you haven't seen the main series.