When Hope Calls (2019– )
A Beautiful Christmas Special!
18 January 2022
What a wonderful two-part movie!

For those of you that want to cast your stones at Lori Laughlin, the Old Testament is for you. Plenty of justice and "an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth". But I was born in sin, and it would be horrible to think I would die in sin with no hope for forgiveness.

But there is Good News... this was the Christmas Special! This is the season to celebrate that a child was born to save us from our sins. He suffered the weight of our sins and died on the cross so that we would have mercy and forgiveness. His message "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more" was given with love and understanding. Of course, we are going to continue to sin, just remember and don't make the same mistakes again.

Lori and her husband made mistakes, but as mistakes go, they were relatively insignificant ones. Since the time of Socrates (that was a long time ago), the powerful have had their children get the very best of education. Most people had very little education and even the wealthy couldn't always afford the best.

Within the last few centuries (still a long time), money has had a lot to do with who's children received the best education. But when the powerful feel threatened, they smash the wealthy that get in their way. Obviously, there were those that wanted to hurt these children and the parents who wanted their children to have a good education. The powerful crushed the parents with justice and prosecution. A terrible thing for the powerful to do for something that was so non-violent and has been going on for thousands of years.

I thank GAC for showing us the true Christmas spirit and forgiving Lori for her mistakes. She is such an excellent actress and adds so much to the beauty of the show!
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