Go Kart Go (1964)
17 January 2022
Another lovely CFF film made back in that age of innocence (OK-we know it wasn't really) where kids played in the street, had huts or camps, were endlessly inventive and "can do"-here they have engineering skills in building a go kart to beat the bullies, and can go to the local breakers' yard, climb all over piles of scrap, and charm the owner-here it's Old Steptoe in a bit part!

Parents are largely peripheral and forgiving; the bullies (usually dressed in black, or leather, or scruffy) generate brief worry and outrage at their cheating, but there's no vicious violence, and they always get their comeuppance at the end-nothing like a jolly good dunking!

The characters' names in this are terrific and reminiscent of the "Beano"...Jimpy, Square Head, Squirt, Stiggy, Spuggy, Slab, Basher....

Not a hint of imposed PC, gender equality, diversity etc.-no need, all get on together in this microcosm of life then in a gentler age.

Made in 1963/4 this was the tail end of the modest B&W CFF films-the later colour ones didn't have that same essential innocence; but this may be a generational view.

Thanks again to UK's Talking Pictures channel for showing these little gems.
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