Review of Safe

Safe (2018)
Great all the way through but very poor ending
9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This would have got a much higher rating if it wasn't for the really anti-climatic and somewhat ridiculous ending! I binge watched this in 2 sittings and loved the suspense - thought it was gripping and fantastic! But the end...

DON'T read further if you haven't watched it...

What kid hides out in their neighbors house knowing their dad is going crazy looking for her? And all for a crime that she didn't even commit - makes zero sense! And all of this drama for a crime that was committed decades ago?!? So unrealistic! This had so much potential but the writer fell so badly short on the backstory - it was weak to say the least! Not to mention the random side-story of the daughter finding her gay father - what was the purpose of that even? (just felt like that had been thrown in there to try and be inclusive)
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