The animation is beautiful and well done, but this would have been so much better as an anthology series or mini series showcasing the adventures of young Vesemir and eventual downfall of the Witchers.
Instead, the (inaccurate) plot felt far too rushed for the single 1.5 hour film. So many interesting characters and plot points without enough development.
Reboot it, keep the animation team, and slow down the plot. Each episode could focus around young Vesemir taking down a specific monster, with an overarching main plot.
There is a dearth of good mature fantasy anime. This could easily fill the void.
Instead, the (inaccurate) plot felt far too rushed for the single 1.5 hour film. So many interesting characters and plot points without enough development.
Reboot it, keep the animation team, and slow down the plot. Each episode could focus around young Vesemir taking down a specific monster, with an overarching main plot.
There is a dearth of good mature fantasy anime. This could easily fill the void.