A stunning musical film.
3 November 2020
Mesmerizing, sensational and life-affirming; "American Utopia" brings the Broadway musical home and explodes off the TV.

In this concert film, director Spike Lee documents David Byrne, the former Talking Heads frontman's 2019 Broadway show.

David Bryne has always been some kind of weird guy, but he's also always been so cool. It really shows in "American Utopia" the cool guy Byrne is. The band is incredible, the set list is divine and the stage set-up is simple yet intricate. Spike Lee brings his flair and some cool camera set-ups all over the stage, to really make you feel like you're in that theatre. A fun but also a powerful concert that will you have you standing in your living room and stomping your feet. I absolutely loved this film.

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