Extremely displeased that both Japan and South Korea would act as hosts for the 2002 World Cup, the government of North Korea is determined to tarnish these athletic games at all costs. So in order to do that they decide to ambush a South Korean gunboat named Chamsuri 357 in the Yellow Sea. This film essentially covers that battle but first devotes some time developing some of the characters involved in the conflict with one key sailor by the name of "Park Dong-Hywok" (Hyun-Woo Lee) featured most prominently. Other notable characters include the commander of the boat "Captain Yoon Young-Ha" (Mu-Yeol Kim) and a shipmate of Park Dong-Hyeok by the name of "Staff Sergeant Han Sang-Kook" (Goo Jin). Now as far as the overall movie is concerned I thought that the director (Hak-Sun Kim) did a reasonably good job in setting the stage which greatly increased the emotional impact of the human component at the end. On the other hand, I thought that the actual battle scene was much too prolonged and I likewise didn't care for the manner in which the sporting events were so randomly mixed in either. In any case, I thought that this was a good film for the most part and have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.