Deadly Delusion (2017 TV Movie)
A 3 just for the storyline
28 March 2020
I don't even know what to say. I can't believe I finished this movie. I've rated a lot of movies on here but I think this is my first written review. The story/premise of the movie is promising and it could've turned out better, but the main character overacted too much. It just made it so unbelievable that a guy would be sticking it out with her when she can barely go outside without looking like a dog whose owner is holding a rolled newspaper over its head. That is what she looks like throughout the whole movie. Cringing and wide eyed and flighty or crying and breaking down for the whole movie. It was too much. Most people would try and act more normal than this in real life even if they thought they were delusional. I get it's a lifetime movie and I don't expect much usually as the storylines and acting are not up to par with most films - but go ahead and skip this one.
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