Cheap and Lazy
13 September 2019
The 13th Friday Written and directed by Justin Price

Happy Friday the 13th. I wanted to celebrate the day with a bout of good old fashioned Jason murder. I have a billion streaming services I use just like everyone else. Not one single Jason movie is available on anything. Nothing, nada. This is seriously distressing. On September 11th, if I wanted to watch World Trade Center again, it was right there at my fingertips but not just Jason. Boo, I say Boo.

I had to settle. Regrettably I settled on this. The 13th Friday. Why it is called that, I have no idea. It has no bearing on the plot itself. The movie is about a haunted house somewhere in Texas where evil spirits reside inside of a sphere. Stupid kids with their red Solo cups throwing a party at the haunted homestead rile up the ghosts. That's pretty much it.

This movie stars no one you've heard of showing why this will be the only movie they star in. It is directed by Justin Price. I think Justin might need to go back and study some more because he doesn't know how to direct a movie. I don't think that will help considering this guy has made a ton of movies and they all look this dull and boring. There is no style in the framework. There is no attempt to create suspense or tension. Why go through the trouble of creating a film for horror fans to enjoy and not actually do it? Why open your film with someone setting their kid on fire and not have the means to show that? The movie is telling us right from the very beginning, this is going to be lazy and cheap. Hell the title tells us that.

The 13th Friday is a poor imitation of a movie. It wants to lure you in with its title confusing those who might think this is connected to the Jason films. The TV series of Friday the 13th is more connected to Jason than this is. It could have been some money hungry producer who knew what a crapfest this movie truly was and knew the only way to get people like me to see it is to title it similar to an iconic film.

Stay as far away from this as you can. It is not worth the time. There are a million horror movies out there that could use your attention. I prefer to reward filmmakers who actually try. Close Calls as bizarre as that movie is actually tries and gives a crap. Watch that one instead. I give this movie an F.
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