Review of The Widow

The Widow (I) (2019)
A Promising But Underperforming Show
8 July 2019
First off, yes, Kate Beckinsale's Botoxed lips are noticeable but not all that distracting. If you knew what she look like without them (lovely), then you wonder "WHY?". If not, it's not a big deal. I loved the premise, the scenery is lovely, the supporting performances pretty strong, and the plot engaging enough. I like a couple of the sub-plots involving sympathetic (if complex) secondary characters. They don't seem extraneous to me, just a welcome distraction. There is enough tension to keep me worried....but never for too long. Unfortunately, she takes risks without seeming to break a sweat that just stretch credulity too much. She puts others in danger, which is one of my major pet peeves with action shows or those involving revenge and single-minded quests. I think Beckinsale's acting is pretty good, but her character is underdeveloped in a lot of ways. She is supposed to be psychologically damaged and complex and twisted but she never seems multi-dimensional enough to make it work. Still, it's decent watch. I'm not sure they need another season though.
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