Not Oscar-worthy, but well worth the rental.
31 May 2019
It seems this movie is either getting slammed by reviewers who expected Spielberg, or praised by people who just wanted a fun movie. Count me with the latter group. Look, the writing, acting and directing are all better than adequate. The complaints come down to the special effects, ie, the dinosaurs. Yes, the dinosaurs look like virtual reality / computer game graphics. But think about it - that's what they're supposed to be. These people are in a virtual reality game, with virtual monsters, and so I don't mind in the least that the monsters look all digital and stuff. I recommend getting a copy in BluRay from your friendly neighborhood Redbox, or however you like to see HD movies, sit back with some snacks and enjoy it. It's not "Jurassic World," but it's better than a made-for-SyFy movie.
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