A truly disgusting display of prejudice and ignorance. When conservative thinkers dismiss the notion that those like them want to force women to be nothing more than baby making machines forced to give birth, a slave in their own bodies, the handmaiden's tale come to life, it's movies like these that show their platitudes to be false.
A Fetus Is Not A Baby. regardless of how often you lie about it. It doesn't make it true.
Something being alive does not make it murder to kill it. Cows are alive, spiders are alive, trees are alive, tumors are alive. Being "life" means nothing, it's whether or not you are sentient, and a tumor growing in your body with the barest minimum (or none at all depending on it's stage of development) of brain activity isn't. If you'd actaully care to look at an evidence of when it becomes sentinet it would be well after birth, but legally it's much easier to just set it as birth.
It isn't "saving" a life if you do nothing for it after it's born. Women get abortons for a number of reasons and it's never a decision taken lightly. A poor household or young mother is unlikely to adequately raise a child. And forcing them to bear children (A violation of their basic human rights to have control over their own bodies) when you're against any form of financial help to raise the child (including if it were to be given up to foster care or adoption), and any form of birth control to help prevent unwanted children, is hypocrisy at it's finest. And adoption is not the answer either. There are far more unwanted children than there are people willing to adopt, most get left out in the cold (figuratively speaking for those of you too dumb to get metaphors). And our foster system is an underfunded overstraigned nightmare for most children.
The premise of this movie is an abortion of any form of intelligent thought or reason. An appeal to emotion (namely fear and disgust) to take away the rights of others
A Fetus Is Not A Baby. regardless of how often you lie about it. It doesn't make it true.
Something being alive does not make it murder to kill it. Cows are alive, spiders are alive, trees are alive, tumors are alive. Being "life" means nothing, it's whether or not you are sentient, and a tumor growing in your body with the barest minimum (or none at all depending on it's stage of development) of brain activity isn't. If you'd actaully care to look at an evidence of when it becomes sentinet it would be well after birth, but legally it's much easier to just set it as birth.
It isn't "saving" a life if you do nothing for it after it's born. Women get abortons for a number of reasons and it's never a decision taken lightly. A poor household or young mother is unlikely to adequately raise a child. And forcing them to bear children (A violation of their basic human rights to have control over their own bodies) when you're against any form of financial help to raise the child (including if it were to be given up to foster care or adoption), and any form of birth control to help prevent unwanted children, is hypocrisy at it's finest. And adoption is not the answer either. There are far more unwanted children than there are people willing to adopt, most get left out in the cold (figuratively speaking for those of you too dumb to get metaphors). And our foster system is an underfunded overstraigned nightmare for most children.
The premise of this movie is an abortion of any form of intelligent thought or reason. An appeal to emotion (namely fear and disgust) to take away the rights of others