Not That Bad, but It's Not An Award Winner.
12 February 2019
People are honestly, being incessantly harsh about this film, it isn't bad at all. Yes this film have many issues, but it isn't aspiring to High Art as other recent films such as "Us".. No, it's not really a horror film, I'd call it more of a strange supernatural thriller. BUT, it deserves about a 5.5-6.0 rating, it is above average, on the whole. Given that, I would like to note some of the positive aspects of the film up front:

1. There are a few decent twist through the progression of the film, and while it is very similar to "Wish Upon" or say "Wish Master" in terms of the overall concept is the same, but I could say that about thousands of stories and movies, so that's irrelevant. The way the story is told is different, and I think, for at least some of the film, fairly unique. 2. The lighting is used very well, with constant blue and red hues that help set an ominous tone, it is similar to the lighting used in "Mandy", but it is not "copying" it is used in an entirely different way and is used to enhance the overall mood.. 3. The overall visual aesthetic and setting of the film are great with the rural setting being used to ample affect and the old houses it is set in is beautiful in is being used very well in terms of how it is filmed. 3. The acting on the whole is very good. It is above average for a film of this nature. Lin Shaye, however, does put in a bit of a scenery chewing performance here, and is extremely entertaining, I don't think she had allusions about the quality of the film she was making. Michael Welch is likeable as well in the lead. 4. The initial set-up is great, with the opening scene, and the background of the our protagonist being minimally expounded, and actually creates some intrigue as people confront his absence, it hints at more than the script ever reveals unfortunately. 5. The pacing of the film is good, it is steady, and moves at a moderate pace. 6. As stated earlier, the story has a few decent twist. 7. The cinematography, and the way the rural setting is filmed is beautiful. 8. The score is nice and is on the whole very subtle and affecting.

The primary problem I had with this film is not what most people will likely point out, but rather that at about the 40 minute mark, it suddenly drops the thread about the main character being a general jerk, and likely highly absent-minded and forgetful person who hurt a lot of people unintentionally. Why was this dropped? Unfortunately, it was due to the conventions of the plot. This film hews so close to some common plot conventions inherent in this type of film, that it unfortunately loses one of the more interesting things about the film film, and that was conflict between the lead character, his mom, and the town. We never quite understand why he made the decisions he did, and I really felt if we did, even despite some of the contrite and contrived plot conventions, it really would have elevated this film. There are other minor quibbles such as silly jump scares and plot logic issues, but its FANTASY and overall, it's fairly rooted in reality for a rather fantastical, ocassionally silly, and at times trippy film.

On the whole, this was an enjoyable and decently entertaining diversion, that at least for a while, holds some mystery, and even when you know where the plot is going, you still at least have a few surprises left before the fairly predictable conclusion. Not at all as bad as these reviews on here are implying, it seems to me, they probably don't watch many films, because even if this film isn't mind blowing, it is, when all things are considered; slightly above average.

Coming from someone who has watched most of the worst horror films of the 1980's, if you liked "Mirror Mirror" or "Witchboard", I see no reason not to like this one. Heck "Urban Legend" has a better rating and that film is filled with moronic jump scares and idiotic plot conventions, but it is entertaining, if you are rating those movies moderately or high and hate "The Final Wish", your might be missing the forest for the trees. Yes there are useless "Jump scares", but so what, what modern suspense film doesn't have them? "Rings" and "Ouija" currently have a slightly higher rating and this film is a heck of a lot better than "Rings" and "Ouija" in so many regards its ridiculous.

God Bless ~Amy
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