Steptoe and Son: The Seven Steptoerai (1974)
Season 8, Episode 4
Plays on the Kung fun craze of the time.
25 January 2019
Steptoe and Son is a comedy of its time, but it has certainly aged well, my criticism of this episode is that it hasn't, it somehow feels a bit dated, the humour very much relates to the Kung Fu craze at the time. It's a bit silly, and a bit surreal, the show was always funny, but never stretched the imagination, this one asks you to suspend reality, it does make me chuckle, but it's clunky compared to the gems in this series.

I did like Frankie Barrow as a character, so good as the local bully, Henry Woolf was great in the role.

It's amusing, but definitely something of an oddity, not one I watch frequently. 6/10
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