I like to read a lot of reviews along with watching the episodes which we usually watch 2 at a time. What most critical viewers disliked was: 1) Michael Hall's British accent 2) the disparity (to them) of the two people involved in the drowning. However when I watched all episodes what I found most ridiculous were a) the impossibility of the early transgression being kept secret for more than a week after it happened. b) the fact that there were two separate groups of students in a high school at night when the school was closed. . . 13 people at the same time? And one group knew the danger and the other did not? And could not escape it? As far as Michael Hall's accent, I have to let my British friends determine that, I know I find many British in trying to sound American end up sounding ridiculous. This is o.k. it is fast paced and the characters are well played although at first it seemed unusually for the new detective to take over so. And as others have said that a doctor seemingly had no rescheduling or other arrangements to make while he engaged in his madcap search for his missing daughter.