Review of Copwatch

Copwatch (2017)
The Truth, as it should be told , shown and experienced.
10 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I give this a personal 8/10 solely based on the quality, not the content.; there are better methods to portray these truths that need to be brought to peoples attention. Better quality production values, audio, longer interview segments and more in depth investigation. With technology increasing in power and capabilities, as well as affordability for the masses, no doubt said needed quality is already upon us or soon to come. That being said, on an emotional level, and a level speaking to ones higher senses, compassion, intelligence, and justice, this documentary gets an official 10/10. It speaks to the truth more than most other "docs" and thus must be elevated to a higher score simply to be brought to peoples viewing attention and recognition as part of a deeper issue needing to be addressed and resolved.

The injustices done upon people and the earth by those " in charge" is a multi generational, centuries upon centuries, millennia old problem. A curse inflicted upon people by those seeking to rule and control in every age and civilization. There have long been "courts" that have had court appointed " police" and enforcers through out history in numerous forms all over the earth. BUt so too has there been untold wrongs done upon people of every race, gender, color, creed, and age group. SO where is the solution? Where is the end to these ongoing evils done in the name of governance and finance that have haunted life since time immemorial? This film at the least should be seen by as many people as possible. A brief but gripping depiction of actual events that should make any rational, sane, intelligent, compassionate, responsible, just and honorable person look at the system as a whole and its agents and stand up to help. Without people helping people, the so called " drones" will gain more power as years pass, until it is not the pawns of the system in uniform doing harm, it will literal be the automated system incarnate holding us all down. Time to wake up and take back your power humanity! Film and show the truth!
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