Bracken's World (1969–1970)
Surprisingly well done - any chance for home video?
2 October 2018
No plot spoilers...

Growing up in the late 1960's, I ended up watching a lot of movies on TV, and became a big Hollywood fan. Even though I was just a teenager, I enjoyed watching the series "Bracken's World" when I could to get a peek behind the scenes at that seemingly magical industry.

Jump ahead many years, and one day the old series just kind of popped into my head. I had hardly thought of it since I was in junior high school. With a little bit of effort I was able to find all 40 or so episodes on DVD, even though it has never been released in any form of home video.

I am about half way through, watching the episodes in order, and I am so glad I found this again. I now live in Los Angeles and know a little bit about movie making and the entertainment business, and even though it is coming up on almost 50 years old, the show is a little better and more realistic than I had imagined.

As a TV and movie buff I have enjoyed the various well-known guest stars (some who became much more famous after "Bracken's World") as well as the various performers who appear briefly as themselves. (I think both Tony Curtis and Raquel Welch make brief appearances in the very first episode.)

I know this was only on for two seasons and it was not a huge hit, but if anyone in the biz is reading this please consider this for home video, even if only streaming. '

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