Review of Safe

Safe (2018)
This British Crime Show Wasn't As Good As I Hoped
14 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's not a stretch to say Dexter was so good as a series in no small part due to Michael Hall. Hall arrived with the role of a lifetime as far as fit goes and he matured quickly as the series quickly found it's legs. Hall is back and he's definitely trying to inhabit another character from the written page which he likely finds interesting. This time it's not a hand in glove fit. While the character of Dr. Tom Delaney may be good for his own artistic growth it has the distinct feel of a "fish out of water". Hall has a bit of trouble selling it and the accent isn't the whole problem. He's a bit edgy and sharp not like Dexter's laid-back cool vibe that endears one.

The shows a Brit crime mystery which is generally a sharper, often a less bombastic more intense kind of a human drama. I tend to like the Brit flavor when compared to America's offering. However, it's going to take some getting used to seeing "Dexter" as Tom Delaney in simplest terms.

I don't think this is one of the best of the genre and it's not a BBC production. While these two things shouldn't be linked I get the idea this is one the BBC would pass on. I'm not too keen on the whole lot. An unsolved old crime with adolescents then and now who just happens to want to get involved. The degrees of separation aren't really that compelling even if it's a proper mess of involving multiple crimes over time. A father searching for his daughter who disappears after her mother's death becomes the flashpoint for a mashup of bad things. I think it goes for a intricate plot that may read better than the show pulls off. It's intelligent somewhat, but it's not something that really grabs me. I confess I watched because it was smart enough to throw breadcrumbs which I was hoping would end in something I found more crazy smart. So while I can't call it a stupid story I will call it full of forced incidents that were suppose to be clever and ended up more maddening. In the end I don't even think a slight middle-age woman can drown a strapping teenage boy so that's kind of a fail at the big reveal juncture. As you can tell I'm not particularly impressed enough to recommend this, however I will concede this is a yarn to likely be polarizing as in there will be an audience that appreciates it more than me.
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