Who can trust this?
15 October 2017
Its hard to know whats what anymore in these critique sections. I mean sometimes there are family reviews and friend reviews and then there are hater reviews and negative bs reviews. I found myself in the middle which is where this film probably lands. I think it has been mentioned but as far as looks. It is up there with the big boys. They have the visuals down. The effects again.. top notch. So where does it go wrong? It seems like too much of a good thing. I mean the film makers must have said "hey forget all this making sense" lets do a great millennial horror. I mean if you are under 30 years old this may be perfect for you. Im talking the girl picked up a pencil and there was suspenseful hits and dings. I guess you cant knock them for trying. So if you like this type of horror then this little film is perfect for you.
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