Ingrid goes west was a great movie about a woman who i would say is a little socially awkward but but wants what we all really want deep inside... INSTAGRAM FAME. She finds this perfect best friend and tries to become her best friend and goes a little overboard. In the end, everything goes crazy and that's it. I didn't like the ending because i think the main characters issue doesn't really get fixed and wasn't really satisfying to call it a REALLY GOOD movie. It just creates a different scenario that the main character might have problems with. Its not a triumph, not a big relief and not that satisfying. Don't get me wrong the movie was great, but it could have been much better if it had a better and more satisfying/exciting ending.
Review of Ingrid Goes West
Ingrid Goes West
great movie, could have been much better if it had a better ending
29 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers