Although I like this show, it's not always easy to watch.Seeing cops prove that they are stupid over and over gets a bit disheartening.I don't expect much from the police.I understand that they are all ex-high school football players who have no control over their own lives.They need to push people around at work so they can feel like a man while their wife is berating them later that night.But I would like to believe that police have a decent 6th grade education and they constantly prove that they don't.I could cite hundreds of examples of when a cop on this show either lied or couldn't pronounce a basic word, but I won't.I will just mention two of them.In one episode a person had a bunch of birds in their chimney.The cop's bright idea was to take them right outside the door and release them.Guess where they went? But that was the smartest thing he did that night.He literally said "chimeney" over a dozen times.How can an adult that holds a job think it's "chimeney"?Better yet, there is another episode when a different cop in a different city says it too!There's really no way to even review the show because there really is no show, just real cops.So I just reviewed real cops.