Review of 31

31 (2016)
Not bad
20 October 2016
I kind of liked this, although it's definitely a guilty pleasure, at best. It's basically a grindhouse Running Man. A group of carnies are kidnapped and forced into a twisted game of survival against several murderous clowns. There are tons of things one could complain about, from the unnecessarily shaky camera to the constant flashing lights to the uninspired soundtracking to the God awful dialogue (why say anything else when you can just say "fuck" over and over again?), but it's a pretty straightforward splatterfest, and it's fun for what it is. Of course, Sheri Moon Zombie stars as one of the five carnies. Malcolm McDowell plays one three faux-aristocratic kidnappers (they are supposedly watching the proceedings but I have to wonder how, since there don't seem to be any cameras involved). The murderers are the best part of the movie. It's hard for me to dislike a movie with a Hispanic Hitler dwarf clown who wears a stuffed bunny head. I also really liked Richard Brake as the ultimate villain, Doom-Head. He's a much better take on the Joker than Jared Leto was earlier in the year. It's a movie most will hate, but I found it worthwhile.
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