Review of Vinyl

Vinyl (2016)
sad so many people don't get it
11 April 2016
this is a real window on the music business. It is a business filled with evil no talent people who prey on artists, suck their blood, throw them away and move on. But this series shows how messed up and unhappy the "hit makers" really are, even after stealing the careers of others. If Frank Zappa was still alive he'd have been an executive producer as he knew full well what absolute--- can I swear?--- terrible people control the music business; how they use real violence to be on top.

I applaud HBO for taking this on. It hits on so many levels that whoever was the source researcher must be terrified. The delete business was a well known industry insider scam. Concerts? hahaha who took that dough? Chargebacks? How many glasses of top shelf were billed over and over to artists by cats that didn't drink?

this show is scary to many as was almost famous. The truth is leaking out as procol harum said in a souvenir of London. enjoy this show. says much about our society and be not surprised when justin beiber dies broke.
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