One Starry Christmas (2014 TV Movie)
so bad it is good
11 November 2015
I fundamentally agree with all the negative comments made in the reviews and posts about this movie. The plot is ridiculous. The Characters are idiotic. To call the movie 1 dimensional over states it depth. The misspelling of congratulations is classic. The girl falling for the cowboy who understands her with whom she has NOTHING in common. The jerk of the guy who wants to marry her. Everyone, everyone, knows how it is going to end. (I do admit there was one good twist on that, the only original thought in the movie).

However, I do say that I enjoyed it the first time I watched it. It is a sappy Christmas movie. If you can laugh at all the stupidity you will enjoy it. It has some cute scenes and the characters are kind of cute in their own way. If you expect Casablanca, it is not here. But if you want to watch a Christmas movie and have literally nothing better to do, you might enjoy.
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