Lease of Life (1954)
Dull And Morbid
10 November 2015
It often used to puzzle me that a studio such as Ealing,which has produced so many fine films closed down in 1965.It was not till i had seen some of its lesser efforts of the period that i realised how poor some of the other films were,leading to Stephen Courtauld withdrawing his backing.I do not remember this film being previously shown on terrestial TV and we only have this opportunity to view it as a result of a DVD release.I looked at it it and i could only wonder to whom this film could have appealed at the time it was made.The only real attraction was seeing Robert Donat in one of his few roles.Now i know he was supposed to look ill as part of the plot .but at 49 years old he looks nearer 69.The plot in this film is silly and rather morbid.Great an actor as he was he cannot save this lifeless mess.
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