I can't tell you how many times I've strapped in for a nice bit of true crime & turned off after five minutes because the music sounded like a construction site over a Yamaha DX7, the editing was manic, the dramatizations were inaccurate & terribly produced and the narrator had a voice like Batman on Quaaludes. Add to that the number of shows featuring self-promoting presenters & semi-literate 'experts' and I walk away feeling like no-one knows how to make a decent crime doc series anymore.
So, it's more than a little refreshing to have discovered 'A Crime to Remember', a show that avoids every element of crappiness that pervades today's 'real crime' programs. It's shot beautifully, the incidental 'noirish' music fits each historical crime, the narration is uniquely rendered as a story told by someone on the periphery of the story, the interviewees are relevant and best of all, the casting, acting & direction of the dramatizations are near flawless. Some of the actors' resemblance to the actual subjects is uncanny. This is easily the best TV crime doc series to come out of the US in a long time.
So, it's more than a little refreshing to have discovered 'A Crime to Remember', a show that avoids every element of crappiness that pervades today's 'real crime' programs. It's shot beautifully, the incidental 'noirish' music fits each historical crime, the narration is uniquely rendered as a story told by someone on the periphery of the story, the interviewees are relevant and best of all, the casting, acting & direction of the dramatizations are near flawless. Some of the actors' resemblance to the actual subjects is uncanny. This is easily the best TV crime doc series to come out of the US in a long time.