A biased documentary aimed at discrediting this phenomenon (and the left in general) via misrepresentation and interviewing young protesters who struggle to express themselves.
Statements are made by the presenter such as: "This is how the left goes... These people hate this country... They hate freedom... Hellbent on nihilistic destruction...". Apparently there is a 'secret society' organizing all this. Apparently these people are going to take over our homes and burn down our society. I think they are just confused and disillusioned - and rightly so.
There are many good documentaries describing the issues with the economic system, certain billionaire personality profiles, and the current form of capitalism (Inside Job; Park Avenue etc.). This film does not intelligently debate these issues.
It's obvious there are real problems and capitalism in this form needs to change. Of course HOW this might happen is very difficult to imagine, so I don't blame the Left for this.
It would be good to hear something from the Right, but this is just blatant propaganda. At least this is obvious, but I worry it is not to less educated people.
Statements are made by the presenter such as: "This is how the left goes... These people hate this country... They hate freedom... Hellbent on nihilistic destruction...". Apparently there is a 'secret society' organizing all this. Apparently these people are going to take over our homes and burn down our society. I think they are just confused and disillusioned - and rightly so.
There are many good documentaries describing the issues with the economic system, certain billionaire personality profiles, and the current form of capitalism (Inside Job; Park Avenue etc.). This film does not intelligently debate these issues.
It's obvious there are real problems and capitalism in this form needs to change. Of course HOW this might happen is very difficult to imagine, so I don't blame the Left for this.
It would be good to hear something from the Right, but this is just blatant propaganda. At least this is obvious, but I worry it is not to less educated people.