The Mechanic (2011)
This Is One Of Stathams Best Action Films
2 March 2015
The Mechanic may not have the critical praise or box office $ as movies like "Snatch", Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" "The Expendables"and the upcoming "Fast 7". But there is one thing it does rank as and that's one of his best pure, balls to the wall action films to date. In the last decade, Statham has consistently delivered hard hitting B Action films and if your a fan of the old school, 80's/90's R rated action, the mechanic is a must watch. For a brisk 90 mins, it manages to provide on some no holds barred, brutal and bloody action. It will remind you of the days when they made more adult oriented action without all that CGI and PG 13 but more fight choreography and realistic stunts and action. I think this is one of the most underrated and one of the better action movies within the last decade.Overall, this is a movie worth watching more than once and if your a fan of action and haven't seen this and your looking for a quick 90 min movie to entertain you without thinking too much, this is highly recommended.

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