Sorry, This is a slow and painful death
23 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Long time since i put keyboard to computer to give a review, but this film deserves my input, lol......... what a load of rubbish, the acting by all was dire, there was not one of the cast that could be said to be a redeeming factor, the dialog, the directing, the script absolute rubbish.........the people that are here that gave it a good review are either related to "Tommy" (the deaf, dumb and blind kid), or were watching another film of the same title, which is unlikely. It was in the news this week that Lysette Anthony was moaning because she only earned £6000.00 this year through her acting work, well if this film is anything to go by she was well overpaid. The main "hoodie" bad guy, who is in Eastenders at this time, is so hammy and loud, with an accent that cannot be described,is so annoying that you hope he meets his demise in the first scene, though that is not to be, unfortunately. If you want to spend 94 minutes and watch this dribble then don't say you were not warned........it is an abomination.
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