Old Fashioned (2014)
Unlike any faith-based film I've ever seen
30 November 2014
I saw Old Fashioned at a "sneak peek" event in Florida and was pleasantly surprised. The scenery is just beautiful and really adds to the tender, rustic feel of the whole story. And the story itself is profoundly moving. The relationship between the two main characters is something that really resonated with me. I loved the chemistry between the two characters (Clay and Amber) and found things in both that are just like me. Amber is just adorable and I'd like to find a guy like Clay in the real world. I also loved the subtle nature of this "faith-based" film. It definitely affirmed my faith and my struggles to live as a godly, single person; but, it did so without hitting me over the head with religion (so many "faith-based" films seem to treat the audience like they're idiots! We get it, already!) This isn't just a good "faith-based" film, it's a good (even if a little slow) indie film -- period. I've never seen a film quite like it.
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