"Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal" I Corinthians 13:1
Most of the proceeds of Dan Baldwins story are given to charity.
I was so happy to see that my 20.00 ticket was supporting the Malibu Nursery School. A 10,000 dollar check was later presented to the Malibu Community Labor Exchange.
People who get punched in the face by the 800 pound gorilla of addiction and live to tell about it are remarkable human beings.
They are the ones creating the unorthodox interventions so needed today!
Great film!
Most of the proceeds of Dan Baldwins story are given to charity.
I was so happy to see that my 20.00 ticket was supporting the Malibu Nursery School. A 10,000 dollar check was later presented to the Malibu Community Labor Exchange.
People who get punched in the face by the 800 pound gorilla of addiction and live to tell about it are remarkable human beings.
They are the ones creating the unorthodox interventions so needed today!
Great film!